Klystron floating drift. Questo klystron ha una singola camera cilindrica contenente al centro un tubo elettricamente isolato (floating significa in questo contesto sospeso, galleggiante). Dal punto di vista elettrico il sistema si comporta come il klystron a due cavità.


Klystron, thermionic electron tube that generates or amplifies microwaves by controlling the speed of a stream of electrons. The electrons are originally accelerated to high velocity by a potential of several hundred volts and enter a narrow gap that forms part of a cavity resonator system (see

26 Jan 2012 klystron. A power amplifier tube used to amplify weak microwave energy ( provided by a radio- frequency exciter) to a high power level for  Find here online price details of companies selling Klystron Power Supply. Get info of suppliers, manufacturers, exporters, traders of Klystron Power Supply for  Klystron was promising over other microwave sources, magnetrons or Heil oscillators, because of its predictable low noise, due to the loose  13 Sep 2020 File:Klystron tube, 425 MHz, Varian Corporation, 1959, used in Thule, Greenland, radar station - National Museum of American History -  19 Dec 2018 This story from Radio Electronics magazine does a real nice job explaining the workings of a klystron without getting too deep. 26 Jan 2012 klystron. A power amplifier tube used to amplify weak microwave energy ( provided by a radio- frequency exciter) to a high power level for  'klystron' के स्विडिश में अनुवाद पता करें। klystron के अनुवाद के उदाहरण के वाक्य देखें,  Many translated example sentences containing "klystron" – Swedish-English Magnetrons, klystrons, microwave tubes and other valve 8540[.7 + .8] tubes.


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photograph. Juni 21, 2019 Menlo Park/CA/USA - nationellt gaspedallaboratoriums för SLAC 'galleri för Klystron 'inom sikt; Klystrongallerit är den nästan 2 mil byggnaden  pulsed power klystrons for ESS's High. Beta Linac, complete with oil tank, magnetic focusing and mechanical supports. Thales AVS France SAS (France). av ett kontrollsystem för högspänningsmodulator och klystron. RF system bestående av klystron och solid-state förstärkare som drivare.

2020-08-19 · A Klystron (also known as a Klystron Tube or Klystron Amplifier) is a vacuum tube that is used to oscillate and amplify microwave frequency signals. It was invented by American electrical engineers Russell and Sigurd Varian.

Definition: A Reflex Klystron is a specialized low power vacuum tube used to produce oscillations at microwave frequency. Its principle of operation is velocity and current modulation. Klystrons are basically specialized tubes used as amplifiers and oscillators at microwave frequency range. Klystron for High Gradient Accelerator Research”, in AIP Conf.

The klystron was the first embodiment of the velocity modulation principle. The so-called Applegate diagram (Fig. 1) best illustrates this.5 After being Fig. 1 Two-cavity Klystron with Applegate Diagram accelerated by a DC voltage, electrons from the cathode initially drift with constant velocity.


En vakuumröret är en bit av  arbetade på S-bandet och hade som motsats till tidigare beskrivna stationer, ingen magnetron utan en klystron som sändarrör, med mycket hög pulsuteffekt. Som pumpkälla användes en högstabiliserad klystron.. Free for commercial use, no attribution required. Institutionen för Elektronik vid Chalmers Tekniska  Asservissement en phase d'un klystron millimétrique pour FR. Butik. Läs mer. 374 SEK. AbeBooks.

Definition: A Reflex Klystron is a specialized low power vacuum tube used to produce oscillations at microwave frequency. Its principle of operation is velocity and current modulation. Klystrons are basically specialized tubes used as amplifiers and oscillators at microwave frequency range. Klystron for High Gradient Accelerator Research”, in AIP Conf. Proc. 337, p.146ff, (1994).
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Conventional Device tubes cannot be used for frequencies above 100MHz. 1. Interelectrode capacitance. … klystron (redirected from klystrons) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Related to klystrons: Klystron tube.

Klystrons make use of the transit-time effect by varying the velocity of an electron beam. A klystron uses one or more special cavities, which modulate the electric  5 Jan 2021 This article covers basics of klystron amplifier and types with applications. It is a linear-beam vacuum tube used for high radio frequencies.
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This page on Klystron vs magnetron describes difference between Klystron and magnetron. It covers basics of klystron and magnetron and mention difference between them. Klystron. A klystron is basically a vacuum tube with input and output structures replaced with resonant cavities known as buncher cavity and catcher cavity.

Klystron can be divided into 2 types. One a Reflex Klystron and the other a Multi- cavity Klystron. Here explains about the Multi-cavity Klystrons which are used for   18 October 2012 SLAC's YouTube channel has more on klystrons, and of course the legendary klystron gallery. In a video about SLAC's Vacuum Microwave  The essential elements of Klystron are electron beams and cavity resonators.

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tekn. klystron (dvs. rör för generering av ultrakorta elektromagnetiska vågor gm modulering av hastigheten hos elektroner i rörelse) vari elektronerna bringas att 

Höjdvinkelområde. LINAC UTRYMNINGSTRAPPOR KLYSTRON TEKNIK LINAC • LINAC (linjäraccelerator) är en tunnel bestående av två sektioner, klystron samt LINAC. Längden  operations, repair, and maintenance of the current EISCAT systems which are comprised of dish-based antenna systems and klystron-driven transmitters. Klystron is an electron tube that generates or amplifies microwaves by velocity modulation.

Production, testing and delivery of up to 5 SML klystron modulators rated 115kV/100A (respectively, pulse voltage and current amplitudes) and 3.5ms/14Hz 

He spent the next thirty-five years there, where he made important contributions to the development of the traveling-wave tube and the reflex klystron, rising to  20 MW Pulsed Amplifying Klystron Operating in Positive Feedback Mode - Laziev, E M et al. Starta en diskussion kring det här dokumentet.

Sök efter klystron på: Wikipedia Wiktionary Google NE.se SAOB SAOL SO  av MN Smit · 2019 — man använda en konstgjord elektrisk last istället för en klystron. I denna projektet konstrueras denna konstlast och underlag framställs inför  Klystron 13 App bild. Renägare. Bondeorganisation Synonymer Korsord Betydelse Förklaring Uttal Renägare bild. Skandimagisk. Klystron 13 App  klystron réflexElectronic tubes / a single-cavity klystron in which the beam direction is reversed within the drift space, so that it passes a second time through the  Sändaren som är en pulsradarsändare har i motsats till tidigare beskrivna stationer ingen magnetron utan en klystron som sändarrör med mycket hög pulseffekt.